Choir Booster Club Meeting - November 2018

November 1

In attendance: Megan Starkey, Laura D., Ashley F., Josh P., Lara G., Chandra C., Mayte S., Laura W.

Treasurer’s Report / Fundraising

The FanCloth Fundraiser netted about $1,100 ($2,177 in sales minus costs of $1,076), according to Ashley. Megan brought up that in a previous year, we had seen a $1,000 bonus from FanCloth for having the highest sales in a given week. As such, it was suggested that maybe we let the kids know that we’d really like to push sales on one of our weeks, in pursuit of the bonus money. This will be discussed further as the time approaches.

Parent Booster USA fees are due by the end of the year, so Ashley suggested paying that now to get it out of the way (and we may even be given a slight discount for paying early). Parent Booster USA handles the state and federal government paperwork/taxes required of fundraising groups, and we feel that at a $345 renewal rate per year, it is a good value.

Mod Pizza has been approached regarding a fundraising night before the winter show, and that is in the works with more information to follow.

Fundraising performance opportunities were discussed; the possibility of raising the performance fee from a minimum of $150 to a minimum of $300, and may be implemented. Performance event ideas were brought forth: Blue Genie Christmas Bazaar, St. John’s Alternative Market. Megan will be out of town December 14th-18th, so performances will need to be scheduled around those dates.

The idea of creating a scholarship for students desiring private voice lessons was raised; this will be a continuing discussion and will likely require a separate fundraising effort and its own line item/account within the Booster budget, if it is decided it is even sustainable.

Aladdin Jr.

Rather than providing a full meal for the three tech rehearsals, a variety of snacks will be provided.

The choir Booster Club will be responsible for the kids’ dinner on one of the three show nights. Our night is the third night, which is Wednesday, January 30. There are approximately 80 kids to feed on this night. The kids grew tired of pizza last year, so we’d like to introduce some variety this year; working with the dance and theater boosters to achieve that. At the last Booster meeting, Megan stated we would provide a full-page ad for any establishment willing to feed the kids on our night.

Sabrina Wallace will handle the SignUp Genius coordination for volunteers and donations; this will be shared across all three strands.

There may be a group of McCallum students who are willing to record and produce DVDs of the performance, which could be sold as a fundraiser. The Choir Booster Club supports selling photos to parents, with a setup similar as was used for the Wonka Jr. show (staged photos, with groupings of

characters). This will have to be agreed upon with the Dance and Theater clubs. Megan Starkey will do 5x7 headshots, as was done previously. All these items could be made available in digital-only format, but if provided online, a perpetual link/storage would have to be enabled, which may be difficult.

In a similar vein as the Wonka Bars, gold coins will be sold at concessions, with “special” coins planted which grant the purchaser one of 12 (small) treasure chests full of goodies (more chocolate coins!!). The cast photo auction always goes well, and will be done again for Aladdin Jr. It was also suggested that “wishes” could be purchased; more discussion will be had on what that consists of.

Last year each strand earned about $400 from show-related fundraisers. The Wonka bars were very popular, so it was suggested that maybe

The November 2018 Choir Booster Club meeting was adjourned, and several folks headed to La Mancha to decompress.