Musical Theatre

2019-20 Officers:
Starkey's Secretary: 

Easter's Secretary: 

Contact the Directors

Course Objective: Through the workshop process, students will explore the many facets of musical theatre through performance and research. Through performing, viewing, analyzing, and critiquing musical theatre productions, the student will have a greater understanding of what makes an effective musical theatre performance and develop acting, vocal, and movement skills to improve their own work in theatre.

Expectations of Students

  • Attend all class sessions and be punctual

  • Use the restroom and get water before class, restroom breaks will be limited to the second half of class.

  • Participate fully in all activities and discussions

  • Have a positive and open attitude

  • Collaborate with peers on projects, research and activities

  • Support your peers

  • Allow for personal growth (be willing to take risks to be creative, to be self-reflective on successes and challenges)

  • Demonstrate ability to use terminology, skills and concepts learned during class

Units of study will include, but not be limited to:

  • Auditioning for musical theatre

  • Voice and vocal health

  • History of the American musical

  • Movement

  • Viewpoints/acting styles

  • Musical Theatre Revue

Assessment/evaluation/grading policy:

  • Participation and Daily Work 70%

  • Projects and Performances 30%

Materials/Additional Costs:

  • 1” Three-Ring Binder with paper/dividers

  • Binder will be used as an actor’s journal during the course of the class. This should be separate from notebooks used in other classes and will be kept in the choir room.

  • Pens, Pencils, Highlighters

  • Various props, costumes as needed

In addition, field trip opportunities may arise to see local performances at a discounted rate. If such an opportunity should arise, students will be given advance notice.

Once Upon a Mattress Crews

*Crew Leader






